Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good,,,GREAT meeting today.
Of note, look for James Dickey's poems. His war poetry is excellent and one of my favorites is "The Shark's Parlour" , Click the title to go to a video of him reading the poem. Find other information and poems HERE.

Daniel Berrigan

Were I God almighty, I would ordain, rain fall lightly where old men trod, no death in childbirth, neither infant nor mother, ditches firm fenced against the errant blind, aircraft come to ground like any feather.
No mischance, malice, knives.
Tears dried. Would resolve all
flaw and blockage of mind
that makes us mad, sets lives awry.
So I pray, under
the sign of the world’s murder, the ruined son;
why are you silent?
feverish as lions
hear us in the world,
caged, devoid of hope.
Still, some redress and healing.
The hand of an old woman
turns gospel page;
it flares up gently, the sudden tears of Christ.

Daniel Berrigan

Poet Details

Born in Virginia, Minnesota, poet, Jesuit priest, and peace activist Daniel Berrigan earned a BA at the St. Andrew-on-Hudson and an MA at Woodstock College. With his brother Philip, also a priest, Father Berrigan publicly protested U.S. policy in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He was one of the Catonsville Nine, a group of Catholic activists who were arrested and charged with destroying draft records in Catonsville, Maryland. They were found guilty at their 1968 trial and sentenced to prison. He also helped found the antinuclear Plowshares Movement.

Berrigan’s free verse poetry expresses his Catholic faith and peace activism with clarity and explicit, unflinching imagery. Berrigan wrote numerous volumes of poetry, includingTime Without Number (1957), which won the Lamont Poetry Prize; Prison Poems (1973);Tulips in the Prison Yard: Selected Poems of Daniel Berrigan (1992); and And the Risen Bread: Selected and New Poems 1957–1997 (1998).

Daniel Berrigan: Essential Writings (2009) supplies an introduction to Berrigan’s work. His prose includes Night Flight to Hanoi: War Diary With 11 Poems (1968), Testimony: The Word Made Fresh (2004), and No Gods but One (2009). Berrigan also wrote the play The Trial of the Catonsville Nine (1970), which he later shaped into a screenplay. His life is recounted in his autobiography, To Dwell in Peace (1987), and in Murray Polner and Jim O’Grady’s biography Disarmed and Dangerous: The Radical Lives and Times of Daniel and Philip Berrigan (1997). He lived in New York until his death in 2016.


  1. May I say to my friend,

    Ambergris Retort

    Ambergris and I are not familiars,

    Although I acknowledge frequent farting

    A colectomy rendered me cancer free;

    My stools are frequent and loose—

    Bloody red blood no longer flows from my anus!

    My preference is for any Bordeaux Red

    Which has me sleep in-between frequent

    Urinations during the night from a ballsy,

    Malfunctioning detrusor in you know what.

    You know your editor will publish your poem. Bet he has already accepted. G

  2. I have read Shark's Parlor. Is this a fictional or true story-poem about a very large hammerhead shark? Hemingway might have written something like it. G

  3. In any case, there's a story about Hemingway on a fishing expedition. He had hooked a large fish and it was being attacked by others. So, to preserve his catch he used a tommy gun and shot at the attacking fish to ward them off and preserved his cash. G
