Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 7, 2016

Poets’ Roundtable

The meeting was good although we missed a few of our regulars, certainly doing something summer-y or just staying out of the heat. I look forward to seeing those we missed.

  1. Welcome
    1. It has been a long time.
  2. News and Jabber
At the End of Life, a SecretRelated Poem Content Details

Everything measured. A man twists
a tuft of your hair out for no reason
other than you are naked before him
and he is bored with nakedness. Moments
before he was weighing your gallbladder,
and then he was staring at the empty space
where your lungs were. Even dead, we still
say you are an organ donor, as if something
other than taxes outlasts death. Your feet
are regular feet. Two of them, and there is no
mark to suggest you were an expert mathematician,
nothing that suggests that a woman loved
you until you died. From the time your body
was carted before him to the time your
dead body is being sent to the coffin,
every pound is accounted for, except 21 grams.
The man is a praying man and has figured
what it means. He says this is the soul, finally,
after the breath has gone. The soul: less than
$4,000 worth of crack—21 grams—
all that moves you through this world.

This poem first appeared in New England Review.
Source: Poetry (November 2012)

    1. I include the following poem to remind us of the surprising rainbows in surprising places:

I have a wish
that I could see a person
of real royalty
and that he would say
that I should stay
and that I shouldn’t go away.
I have a wish
that I could know
as much as any genius knows.
I would give advice
as my knowledge grows.
I have a wish
that I could hear the birds’ beautiful song
and the river clearly,
the stream that runs way down below,
the birds say that will grow.
I have a wish
that I could be a person of real royalty
that knows as much as any genius knows,
that can hear the birds’ beautiful song
and the river clearly.

I include this poem also to remind us how young we are and how wise children can be. This was written by Brenna Young, ten years old.

  1. The Current Assignment
    1. Who did it?
    2. How did it go?
    3. My poem:

On the State of Armament Availability, July 4, 2016
Dear queers,
there will be more
because so many don’t like you.
Another Louisville Slugger,
another chain tying you to the fence,
more drunk laughter leaving.
Dear children,
there will be more
because someone
doesn’t like himself.
Another Bushmaster,
another suicide bomber,
another drone
mercilessly misguided,
another kid with a gun and a dead mother
Dear brown person,
there will be more.
More good guys with guns
gunning for you
because someone there is
who cannot abide your vote.
Dear Christian,
there will be more.
Dear Muslim,
there will be more.
Dear Buddhist,
immolate yourself
for there will be more.
Dear Russian,
dear Chechen,
dear Jew,
dear Palestinian,
dear Soldier, universal
seething toward your next victim,
fear not,
there will be more.
Unpublished work Copyright 2016 Emerson Gilmore

    1. Sherman Poultney

Morning in Midwest
Who? Who? ….Who? Who?
Who died today?
The mourning doves
ask each other.
Farm tractor accident,
Motorcycle crash on highway,
Holdup at the Jack and Jill,
Meth Lab explosion,
A battered bride,
Hunting blind shot.
Who? Who?
© Sherman Poultney  1 July 2016

For poetry makes nothing happen: it survives
In the valley of its making where executives
Would never want to tamper, flows on south
From ranches of isolation and the busy griefs,
Raw towns that we believe and die in; it survives,
A way of happening, a mouth...
—from “In Memory of W. B. Yeats” by W. H. Auden (1907-1973)”
Aurora, Blacksburg, Columbine, “towns that we believe and die in”: easy as A B C. Charleston, Killeen, Newtown sound as musical as San Bernardino, San Ysidro, and now Orlando. Every time the blood gushes, people turn to poetry, as they should. Poetry’s the emotional history of the world, and what causes more emotion than the slaughter of innocents? It has always been thus. One of our great Biblical stories is about the slaying of the male babies by Herod the Great (the Great!) in Bethlehem; the weeping was great, and the art that followed, such as Pieter Breughel’s “Massacre of the Innocents,” was also great. Statisticians have told us that more poems were written after 9/11 than at any other time in the history of America.

  1. The Next Assignment
    1. The next assignment is to write a poem based upon a dream. Really get the dream quality of it, the irrational flow of images and events that seem so heavy with meaning yet elude our capturing. Here’s one I wrote some time ago:

Dream Sequence, July 22, 2007
The fat man sat on my lap
and signed his charge slip;
Five dollars for three tee shirts
for his kids.  He was a
traveling salesman,
drove up in a black golf cart,
settled for clothing
because we were out of tomatoes.
We used a lady’s blue hat
to mark the rest room
and were closing up for the day
when the black carts arrived,
all with tourists hunting
for native produce.
Across the street
ships with sails docked
and the fat man marveled at them.
The tourists were bored and didn’t care.
After work my mother pushed
my kids from her lap
and told them to think about
what they had done.
I had never seen her so violent.
Laughing, my sister stole gloves
and shirts from the teams
playing ball in the park.
I never really got to close the stand.
the carts kept coming,
kept coming and I
had a responsibility.

  1. Next Meeting
    1. The next meeting will be on July 21, 2016
  2. Other Notes


  1. If anyone else reads the blog, please let me know. I'm currently working on a dream poem. Are you? But, let us see who reads it or who gets it. It might be worth sharing ideas and experiences. G.

  2. I will check tomorrow to see who might have posted here concerning work on the dream poem or on any other matter. G

  3. Last night, I tried taking notes as I had to get up to use the bathroom. On one occasion, I recalled one sequence and took notes on it before returning to bed, some time later, I had to get up again, and realized after appreciating what had happened that I had last gotten up shortly after 1:00 a.m. Now it was 5:00 a.m., and I was recalling some other stream that I was now recalling, I was confused over the fact that light was already growing outside. That caused a bit of confusion and had be look at my watch. I was going to find my notes taken earlier and could not immediately find them, when I did before returning to bed, I had already forgotten the stream that I had picked up while asleep. Too bad. G

    1. Although I have several poems written from dreams there is a recurring Viet Nam dream I want to revisit. Although unwelcome it is not a nightmare and is consummately ambiguous. Sometimes when I have this dream I wake up within the dream and tell myself it is a dream and then wake up from the dream-within-the-dream uncertain whether I'm awake. Fortunately, when I get up to go to the bathroom I figure I'm awake. I wonder too at what wonderful dreams we never remember and why we remember those we recall.

  4. It's a complex conundrum, isn't it? Some dreams are easily revisited because they come back as a result of some trigger in the mind that says, "Remember this!" It might not be quite like that, but a dream pops up when I'm doing something, and I take note of the fact that what I'm thinking is something that I dreamt. Most of the time the dream recollection is quickly forgotten in the ensuing time space in which I am doing something else, otherwise occupied is what I think it is. There's a spark of recollection which a distraction will wipe away, most times the recollection is the "poof" of the story teller's magic trick in the telling of his story. {I'm called to do some house chores.} G

  5. If anyone else has read has read the July 7 Round Table notes, I'm pretty sure there are, would you please acknowledge reading them. I consider sharing an extension of the classroom presentation,readings, and discussion of work in progress. Sharing ideas or opinions as a continuation of classroom interaction and comment would make the experience itself, that so many enjoy, even more beneficial for all. My Yankee two cents worth. Thanks. G

  6. I have written a dream poem that comes as a second dream about a particular event in my life (a love) and the two will be part of what I bring to the meeting. It seems that the second dream called on the first one for input because I knew in the second what had happened in the first.

  7. Sorry, I tried telling my dream earlier today; I could not finish it, and it disappeared on me. I wrote too much of it and it disappeared because
    it was just a dream.

    Here is the essence I got to while recollecting that I had had a dream about a couple, He was very tall; she was very short; they had a child. They invited me to their very small apartment in a very poor neighborhood of Brooklyn. Then both invited me to join them at a party being held at a club. The got somebody in the flop house to car for the kid. The club was on a trashy street full of private bar/clubs. This one must have been gang related. We were supposed to have admission cards from a gang boss. But my new friend did not have them and we were allowed in with the provision that we present our pass when the boss arrived. The place was crowded in all of its many rooms. We got into a room that had standing room only against the wall in a rear corner. We stood their with our mugs of beer. I was asked by my the tall guy's wife to dance. So we walked through the crowd to the dance floor in another room. She was short. I could see the hair on top of her head, or pull her up with my arm around her waist so that we could speak mouth to ear. I had felt like a giraffe bending over for a nip at tree leaves, although her ears were more like what I was nibbling, bent over as I was. Later, I went outside and was asked again about the pass from the boss which I should have had, but didn't and threatened. I met an old drunk in a sidewalk parade who was sleeping in the mini hotel above the club. Ten bucks for a bed and blanket with a hotel bar of Lava Soap to wash with at the sink. Out by 7:00 a.m. In by 9:00 p.m. The old guy warned me to take care of myself. It was a tough club and a bad neighborhood for a tourist. I went back in and found my new friend in a slam-bang argument while standing still where he had been, in the corner of this room, when I had walked to dance with his wife. The next time, on the dance floor, she didn't mind when I just picked her up and raised her up to the point where I could see her eyes. And we danced, me with some difficulty; she with dreams in her eyes. It went something like that. and then I woke up. But I suspect there was more to my dream than I actually recall or mix up in the telling. It was easily such a fantastic dream--the kind that an 85 year old kid has fallen asleep reading in a yellowing paperback crime novel. G.

  8. July 15

    Will check every other day to see who else might comment about the newsletter. G.

  9. Who has read this blog? I keep asking as I come back to read the notes. This is a book, I assume, or have been told. And, if I were the author, I would want to know the answer to "How am I doing?" with an occasional comment.
