Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 20, 2016

  1. Opening
  1. News and Jabber
    1. Our book

I think we should wait until April. This will bring us to National Poetry Month and give us the time we need now that we have had such a slow ramp up this Fall.

  1. The big news is that Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature (and hasn't responded yet). The following article from The New York Review of books is interesting: (link at the bottom of the article) I have inserted my notes in red.

Bob Dylan: The Music Travels, the Poetry Stays Home

No one has been a fiercer critic of the Nobel Prize in Literature than I. It’s not the choices that are made, though some (Elfriede Jelinek, Dario Fo) have been truly bewildering; it’s just the silliness of the idea that a group of Swedish judges, always the same, could ever get their minds round literature coming from scores of different cultures and languages, or that anyone could ever sensibly pronounce on the best writers of our time. The best for whom? Where? Does every work cater to everybody? The Nobel for literature is an accident of history, dependent on the vast endowment that fuels its million-dollar award. What it reveals more than anything else is the collective desire, at least here in the West, that there be winners and losers, at the global level, that a story be constructed about who are the greats of our era, regardless of the impossibility of doing this in any convincing way.
I find this interesting just as a tought about the prize that is new to me.
At times I have even thought the prize has had a perverse influence. The mere thought that there are writers who actually write towards it, fashioning their work, and their networking, in the hope of one day wearing the laurels, is genuinely disturbing. And everyone is aware of course of that sad figure, the literary great who in older age eats his or her heart out because, on top of all the other accolades, the Swedish Academy has never called. They would be better off if the prize did not exist. As for the journalists, one might say that the more they are interested in the prize, the less they are interested in literature.
This is interesting since I read an article, I think from The Village Voice, reporting that one of Dylan's advocates, it not a manager, has been trying to get Dylan this award for about 15 years.

All that said, this year I have to admit that the judges have done something remarkable. And you have to say, chapeau! For they have thrown the cat among the pigeons in a most delightful manner. First they have given the prize to someone who wasn’t courting it in any way, and that in itself is cheering. Second, in provoking the backlash of the purists who demand that the Nobel go to a novelist or poet, and the diehard fans who feel their literary hero has been short changed, they have revealed the pettiness, and boundary drawing that infests literary discourse. Why can’t these people understand? Art is simply not about a solemn attachment to this or that form. The judge’s decision to celebrate a greatness that also involves writing is a welcome invitation to move away from wearisome rivalries and simply take pleasure in contemplating one man’s awesome achievement.
But the most striking thing about the choice of Dylan has little to do with his primary status as a musician rather than novelist or poet. Far more interesting, at least from my point of view, as a long-term resident in Italy, translator, and teacher of translation, is that this prize divides the world, geographically and linguistically, in a way no other Nobel has done. Which is quite something when you think that the Nobel was invented precisely to establish an international consensus on literary greatness.
Why? Because while Dylan’s greatness seems evident in English-speaking countries, even to those scandalized that he has been given the Nobel, this is simply not the case in all those places where Dylan’s music is regularly heard, but his language only partially understood. Which is to say, in most of the world.
When the prize is given to a foreign poet—Tomas Tranströmer,
Transtromer is worth checking out:
After a Death


Once there was a shock

that left behind a long, shimmering comet tail.

It keeps us inside. It makes the TV pictures snowy.

It settles in cold drops on the telephone wires.

One can still go slowly on skis in the winter sun

through brush where a few leaves hang on.

They resemble pages torn from old telephone directories.

Names swallowed by the cold.

It is still beautiful to hear the heart beat

but often the shadow seems more real than the body.

The samurai looks insignificant

beside his armor of black dragon scales.

This was written on the occasion of the death of John Kennedy.
I would suggest that this illustrates the difficulty of translation that this article speaks of. Similar too in the following poem. BTW these people are all Nobelists.

 Wisława Szymborska,
Hatred - Poem by Wislawa Szymborska
See how efficient it still is,
how it keeps itself in shape—
our century's hatred.
How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.
How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.

It's not like other feelings.
At once both older and younger.
It gives birth itself to the reasons
that give it life.
When it sleeps, it's never eternal rest.
And sleeplessness won't sap its strength; it feeds it.

One religion or another -
whatever gets it ready, in position.
One fatherland or another -
whatever helps it get a running start.
Justice also works well at the outset
until hate gets its own momentum going.
Hatred. Hatred.
Its face twisted in a grimace
of erotic ecstasy…

Hatred is a master of contrast-
between explosions and dead quiet,
red blood and white snow.
Above all, it never tires
of its leitmotif - the impeccable executioner
towering over its soiled victim.

It's always ready for new challenges.
If it has to wait awhile, it will.
They say it's blind. Blind?
It has a sniper's keen sight
and gazes unflinchingly at the future
as only it can.
Wislawa Szymborska

 Octavio Paz—whose work one perhaps has not read, or is not even available in English, one takes it on trust that the judges know a thing or two. For however arbitrary and absurd the prize might be, the judges themselves no doubt take it seriously and do their best. Even in those cases where there are translations, those few people who read and think about poetry are usually sophisticated enough to realize that a poem in translation is not, or only rarely, the real thing. More a shadow, a pointer, a savoring of impossibility.
But everyone has heard Dylan, everyone who has a radio or watches television, worldwide. In this sense the jury has exposed itself as never before. And they have heard him in the pop culture mix alongside other musicians and bands whose lyrics are perhaps banal and irrelevant. Outside the English-speaking world people are entirely used to hearing popular songs in English and having only the vaguest notions of what they might be about. They do not even ask themselves whether these are fine lyrics or clichés, just as we wouldn’t if we heard a song in Polish or Chinese. Even those who do speak English to a certain level and have heard “Mr. Tambourine Man” a thousand times, will very likely not react to it in the same way that a native English speaker would.
Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
It’s not aimed at anyone
It’s just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It’s just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn’t pay it any mind
It’s just a shadow you’re seeing that he’s chasing.
Referring to the simply poetic nature of language, I like his Isis:
I married Isis on the fifth day of May
But I could not hold on to her very long
So I cut off my hair and I rode straight away
For the wild unknown country where I could not go wrong
I came to a high place of darkness and light
Dividing line ran through the center of town
I hitched up my pony to a post on the right
Went in to a laundry to wash my clothes down
A man in the corner approached me for a match
I knew right away he was not ordinary
He said, are you lookin' for somethin' easy to catch
Said, I got no money, he said, that ain't necessary

From <>

Dylan sings the words clearly enough. But for the foreign listener this is hard work. He doesn’t see them written down. He can’t linger over them. He doesn’t know if they exhibit great facility or are merely nonsense. In particular, when he gets three verbs in a row ending in “ing”—laughing, spinning, swinging—it isn’t clear to him whether they are gerunds or participles. How to parse this phrase? And how to understand the charm of “But for the sky there are no fences facing,” if you don’t immediately grasp that in English we can say that fences “face” each other.
Let’s not even begin to imagine the difficulties with “Subterranean Homesick Blues.”
When we read poetry on the page we take time over it. We puzzle over it. We relish it. When we hear poetry sung, and sung intensely as Dylan sings, drivingly, with a snarl and a drawl, which is also a sophisticated form of irony, how can we, if we are not native speakers, be expected to appreciate it?
So we have this fantastic paradox. Of all Nobel winners, Dylan is surely and by far the best known worldwide. Hurrah. But only known in the sense that people have heard the songs, not understood, not relished the words. So, barely an hour after the Swedish Academy made its announcement., I was receiving messages and mails from Italian friends, of the variety, “I’ve always loved Dylan, but what on earth has he got to do with literature?” And these are people who know English fairly well. Until finally someone wrote, “I’ve always suspected Dylan’s words were something special.” And in this message there was an element of pride, in knowing English well enough to recognize this.
Needless to say, there are some translated versions of Dylan in Italy. In 2015 the excellent singer-songwriter Francesco De Gregori came out with an album Amore e furto, (Love and Theft), which has some fine renderings of Dylan, or “stolen” from Dylan, in Italian. He calls “Subterannean Homesick Blues” Acido Seminterrato and does his best to keep up with Dylan’s mad rhymes:
ragazzino cosa fai
guarda che è sicuro che lo rifarai
scappa nel vicolo, 
scansa il pericolo 
nel parco uno con un cappello ridicolo
ti dà la mano
vuole qualcosa di strano
But this kind of virtuosity is the exception that proves the rule, and even then, one is mainly marveling at De Gregori’s getting so near, while remaining so far away. For the most part cover translations are just a trite dumbing down of the original, entirely at the whim of the music’s rhythm and the need for rhyme. I would argue that they actually undermine rather than enhance the singer’s reputation.
We should hardly be surprised then if outside the English-speaking world the controversy over this Nobel is even fiercer than within it. For the award has laid bare a fact that international literary prizes usually ignore, or were perhaps designed to overcome: that a work of art is intimately bound up to the cultural setting in which it was created. And language is a crucial part of that. Quite simply Dylan’s work meansmore and more intensely in the world that produced Dylan. To differing degrees, and in the teeth of internationalism and globalization, this will be true of every literary work.
October 16, 2016, 9:15 pm

From <>

  1. Current Assignment
    1. Who did it?
  2. Next Assignment
    1. Write a poem about yourself in which nothing is true.
  3. Next Meeting
    1. November 3, 2016
  4. Final Note
    1. For those who doubt, I really do have a copy of The Triggering Town by Richard Hugo. It's a good book for those wanting to  read a respected take on poetry and writing.


  1. I took a nap; just a little nap and found this afternoon's notes waiting at my computer. G

  2. Wrote this a.m. Edited this p.m.

    Gérard Coulombe
    October 21, 2016
    Bigelow Poets’ Roundtable

    The Only Way to Tell the Truth is to Fake It

    When I turned forty, I made a decision.
    I would no longer live the committed life.
    My decision was not made of a sudden--
    I had prayed much in the preceding years.

    A religious brother of the Sacred Heart,
    My decision had been well thought-out.
    Buttressed by prayer and a moral sense,
    After many years of prayer and reflection.

    I was twelve when called to religious life.
    I was thirty when I found myself hating
    The students to whom I taught French
    At L’École Supérieur Saint Théodore de
    Victoriaville du Nord until my resignation.

    By the end of my commitment to teaching
    I was no longer a slouch. If a student spoke
    Out of turn, I would use his arm as a bat or
    a hand as a cudgel to bang sense into him.

    My superior suggested a leave of absence.
    I chose disaffiliation, my term for salvation.

    - 30 -

  3. October 24: Received copy of your book, Mr. Ahern. Will read it and shortly write a review, as I said I would. G

  4. My review of Ed Ahern's collection of bizarre short stories [Capricious Visions] posted on Amazon. GC

  5. November 3, 2016 Today's meeting:

    Today's assignment: good class.

    Assignment: Write a poem in which you tell everybody off.


    A Short Confession, Intended: Inadvertently Rescinded

    It was intended as a confession
    But once rescinded
    It was simply a bubble in the air,
    That, once pierced,
    Totally disappeared
    Like the pinprick applied
    To a soap bubble,
    It caused the bubble to pop,
    Leaving a faint iridescence.

    Had I succeeded in my punitive design,
    And had there been a carpenter
    Suited to bizarre constructions?
    Together, we might have been capable
    Of beating the construction time
    As determined by the officials

    But savants as we were or are,
    Everything distracted us from the limits
    Imposed by the committee on limits.
    Therefore and in retrospect,
    An imposition of demanding challenges
    On an imperfect system
    Could not allow telling everybody off.
    So, the challenge is to tell everyone-on-
    Down the list, of my decision:
    [Note: Do Not Deviate from the message!]
    “I have finished telling everyone off. Repeat,
    I have finished telling everyone off!
    Return to work. If anyone asks,
    Say to them: The Boss Got Angry
    But Got Over It!

    “Happy Thanksgiving to All.” We will reconvene
    Following the HOLIDAY.

    +++Note: All Meetings scheduled for the day after your vacation will take place on the day we return. Remember our motto: Be Prepared! 11-03-16
