Friday, December 7, 2018

Decemer 6, 2018

Also insert copy of the ars poetic from Baron Wormser "Anecdotes" from Subject Matter

Poets’ Roundtable


News and Jabber

Regarding the prose poem, check  out this excellent artricle from The Guardian:

Ars Poetica certainly took me many ways. I brought two and don't know which to foist upon you.

The Current Assignment

The Next Assignment

The next assignment is to write a Christmas poem but it is to be a letter FROM Santa to anyone, anything, whate or whom ever. 

The Next Meeting

The next meeting is on December 20, 2018, 12:30 PM

Other Jabber

And now to the poetry of Donald Trump, which comes from which features Rob Sears’ “strictly unauthorized” collection, The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump.

I am the least racist person there is1

I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks2
I remained strong for Tiger Woods during his difficult period3
Oprah, I love Oprah. Oprah would always be my first choice4
Kanye West – I love him5
I think Eminem is fantastic, and most people think I wouldn’t like Eminem6
And did you know my name is in more black songs than any other name in hip-hop?7
You are the racist, not I8
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1. Fox & Friends, Fox News, 9 May 2011
2. Interview on Talk1300 AM, 14 April 2011
3. Tweet referencing Tiger Woods’ marital infidelity and later victory at Trump National Doral, 20 March 2013
4. In answer to a question about possible VP picks in an interview with Larry King, 7 October 1999
5. Press conference, 3 September 2015
6. Playboy interview, 1 October 2004
7. Playboy interview, 1 October 2004
8. Annotation by Trump on article by Jonathan Capehart, which he sent to the journalist – tweeted by Capehart, July 8, 2015

Everybody loves me1

Tom Brady loves me2
The people of New York, they love me3
Upstate New York, I’m like the most popular person that’s ever lived4
The bikers love me5
You know who loves me? The Tea Party, the evangelicals6
My children could not love me more if I spent fifteen times more time with them7
The vets love me8
The African Americans love me9
The Asians love me10
Many Hispanics who love me11
Most conservatives love me12
Society loves me13
You are going to love me14
Or I will spill the beans on your wife!15
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1. Interview with Anderson Cooper, CNN, 8 July 2015
2. Interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costas, 8 April 2016
3. Address to supporters in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, CSPAN, 20 May 2016
4. Interview with CNN, 21 February 2016 
5. Washington This WeekCSPAN, 3 April 2016 
6. CNN Tonight with Don LemonCNN, 30 September 2015 
7. New York Magazine, 13 December 2004 
8. Morning JoeMSNBC, 24 July 2015 
9. Media Buzz, Fox News, 25 January 2016 
10. First LookMSNBC, 4 September 2015
11. America This MorningABC, 9 October 2015 
12. Meet the PressNBC, 24 January 2016
13. Anderson Cooper 360 GOP Town Hall, CNN, 19 February 2016
14. Remarks at Iowa State Fair on how he believed people would respond to his immigration policies, 15 August 2015
15. Tweet threatening Ted Cruz, 22 March 2016

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