Monday, September 16, 2019

September 4, 2019

Roundtable September 5, 2019


I don’t have any notes on absentees. Now that we’re out of summer, let’s get a couple of details taken care of:
1. Pictures for the bulletin board. I’s like a group photo and more individual photos
2. Let’s draft some new members

An exercise

2. Metaphors and Similes for Life
Make a list of significant life events: birth, death, graduation, marriage, having children, starting your own business. Next, come up with one metaphor and one simile for each of these events. Remember, a metaphor is when we say one thing is another thing. A simile is when we say one thing is like another thing.
Metaphor: Life is a dance.
Simile: Life is like a box of chocolates (as a metaphor, this would be life is a box of chocolates).

The events:

First job
Broken arm
Dead cat
Live snake
Flat tire
Cellar door

Today’s Assignment

Dru sent his:

you can take it with you

pack it up in the box
before the fire is lit
best cram it all in
or as much of it fits

the over analyzing
and need for acceptance
the run throughs in my mind
and perpetual penance
avoiding confrontation
and grieving what's gone
the webs of deceit
that we're all caught on

to leave it all behind
and never look back
like loosening the rocks
carried on your back

and once I've slid in
I'll take it all with me
so no one else 
has to repeat this history

The Next Assignment

 Write a poem that is all questions.

from “An Attempt at Jealousy”


How is your life with that other one?
Simpler, is it? A stroke of the oars
and a long coastline—
and the memory of me

is soon a drifting island
(not in the ocean—in the sky!)
Souls—you will be sisters—
sisters, not lovers.

How is your life with an ordinary
woman? without the god inside her?
The queen supplanted—

How do you breathe now?
Flinch, waking up?
What do you do, poor man?

“Hysterics and interruptions—
enough! I’ll rent my own house!”
How is your life with that other,
you, my own.

Is the breakfast delicious?
(If you get sick, don’t blame me!)
How is it, living with a postcard?
You who stood on Sinai.

How’s your life with a tourist
on Earth? Her rib (do you love her?)
is it to your liking?

How’s life? Do you cough?
Do you hum to drown out the mice in your mind?

How do you live with cheap goods: is the market rising?
How’s kissing plaster-dust?

Are you bored with her new body?
How’s it going, with an earthly woman,
with no sixth sense?

                                                         Are you happy?
No? In a shallow pit—how is your life,
my beloved? Hard as mine
with another man?


Summer Perdu
by Mark Halliday

The Next Meeting

Will be on Thursday, September 19, 2019

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